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Release Notes thru 2015-06-28


Cool Calc Manual J


  • Google Map now initiates properly when proceeding from step 2 back to step 1
  • Improved speed of step 1
  • Fixed slab perimeter field default not populating in the floor section for certain regions of the country
  • Fixed floor u-value not populating for certain regions of the country when "concrete slab on grade floor" radio button was selected
  • Fixed issue with window validation inproperly error appearing when exposures were changed to zero
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    Thanks for the information

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    Reinier Carreno


    How can I pick the perimeter of the edge of the slab. The system only gives the option for ceiling area, floor area and room area. Should floor area be 0 since I have a slab on grade? Will the system automatically select the perimeter bases on the wall exposure footage?

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